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  • muddspuddle
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    2 years, 7 months ago · updated 2 years, 7 months ago

    What do you guys do to recoop when you are having a flare due to having a good day

    • Does crying count? I’ve mastered the art of distraction, it really does help to keep your focus on something you enjoy-as long as it’s not MMA fighting ((giggle)) So sorry you are hurting ((hugs))

      • This may sound crazy and I didn’t really want to type it but I will- when I first fell ill, I used to rip paper-yup sounding nutty- but focusing on the slow ripping, which turned into me ripping paper into little animals, flowers, whatever they turned into. It was about all my brain and hands could tolerate at the time and it made me feel somewhat productive. When you feel a bit better you can turn the creations into cards 🙂

        • I used to do that as a kid. We did rippy monsters when my girls were little but now I listen to music like native American drums as well as viking and Celtics music

      • I cry alot anyway. I am also a patient who suffers from bipolar disorder and just lost my mom in October so crying has become an everyday thing. MMA however 😃

        • I’m so sorry to hear of your loss ((hugs)) Oohh I love just about every style of music but Loreena McKennitt is one of my favorites! Which always branches off to either BOND or even Sarah Brightman.a lil’ umm Eclectic.. lol

          • I love Lorena Mckennitt are you serious right now. I grew up to my grandfather listening to the Celtic women tour they used to do on bbc. Have you heard vision video?? The lead singer calls himself goth dad.



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