Hi everyone, how is everyone’s day going?
I’m really needing a labtop for school and I can’t financially afford one right now, and I have to have one for school and the school doesn’t offer laptops. So I’m in a bind at the moment. I just keep, keeping my faith and knowing that my higher power will help me with this situation.2 Comments-
You’ve got this, @fallynparrett and I really love your positive outlook! Things always have a way of working out when we need them. Be sure to get your entries into the current laptop giveaway if you haven’t already; I’ll post the link here: https://community.painresource.com/giveaway/hp-17-touchscreen-laptop-giveaway/?_ga=2.116015622.1661169421.1651495714-2077817885.1646068759
Good luck @fallynparrett