EmilyXLC posted in the group Pain Management
I’d be super interested in hearing about anyone’s go-to products for getting these wild migraines under control when they decide to strike. I was recently introduced to these cooling patches that adhere to your forehead and while it was a bit relieving, I found that they warmed up way too quickly. I’m not sure which brand I had tried– just using this one as a reference. Does anyone have anything comparable they can recommend like this or other eye masks?
@eclecticzebra I hadn’t actually considered making one– do you happen to know about the water/alcohol ratio? I figured alcohol would make things burn-y but I am intrigued because this sounds cheaper!
I *think* it was 2:1 water: alcohol I had to mold them a bit (she had screws placed in her hips-needed it more solid) so I had to make it thick- the more alcohol, the more pliable it will be. It’s not an exact science and easy to adjust if you need it less pliable. You can use booze too but gah! what a waste LOL Food coloring and glitter makes it kid fun, should they ever need one too…
I found this looking quick-lots of options shown here actually! https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/homemade-ice-pack/
@eclecticzebra Thank you SO much for the link! I am going to be trying this out.
Have you tried making one? (alcohol+water) Had to make huge ones after my Little had surgery years ago -they lasted a few hours, which to me seemed like a long time. I had wrapped them in those cooling towels that you snap to start them cooling again. The more water the harder it freezes, alcohol keeps it slushy (doesn’t freeze) Maybe you could make a thin one in 2 freezer bags, roll it and rubber band the ends and middle? Those cooling towels last a fairly long time on their own, as long as they are damp and snapped, they will get cool again. We recently bought some that have beads inside, ya soak it but it is a thin one that you could go Rambo and tie around her head ((giggle)) Ill look to see if I can find them online..