glockdeadgorgeous posted in the group Chronic Pain
Is anyone else dealing with Toxic Positivity from their support system?
@suzzee33 Thanks Suzzee! I know that my family being positive is them trying their best to support me!
It’s tough, @glockdeadgorgeous because everyone just deals with everything differently. I know the ‘fake it til you make it’ mindset works for some folks, but that just is not applicable to everyone. ESPECIALLY when it comes to chronic pain and illness. Hugs to you.
@emilyxlc My problem right now, is that I am ready to come to terms with the fact and accept the fact that after my car accident and two surgeries, I now have a chronic pain condition and I just want help from them in creating a new life plan for myself and adujusting my goals to meet my new circumstances. They still want me to undergo experimental trials, alternative medicinal treatments, and specialists on specialists. They refuse to believe the cause of my pain won’t be discovered, addressed, and resolved and just want me to keep struggling under the “before pain Chelsea” life expectations, because they still believe I am going to get better. I am failing and performing at a sub-par level at every aspect of life right now, because no one in my support circle will accept that this is the new me and give me the support and approval I need to adjust my life.
@glockdeadgorgeous That is heartbreaking to hear– I am so sorry. People tend to like to cling to their previous perceptions of people for their comfort and convenience, even when it ends up hurting someone. I think this is why it is so important for those of us who experience chronic pain/illness to have our tribe of those who *truly* understand. It sounds like they don’t understand that the way they are trying to show you love and support is in actuality hurting you. Hugs to you, my friend– I hope they are able to open their eyes soon and see what they need to do to support you.
Never heard about this before