I had a Full Right Hip Replacement exactly 3 weeks ago due to a genetic condition that I was born with. It was a total success but now my right knee is hurting
@temeisha-quick Yeah I’ve been doing heat & using Bio-Freeze. The pain in my knee is due to having the Hip Replacement Surgery. Due to having the Congenital Hip Dysplasia I never walked correctly until now
@goldrangergirl I am SO happy to hear that your procedure was a total success– BioFreeze is HEAVEN-SENT; I go through it like crazy here at home. Keep us posted on your healing; we are here to cheer you on!
@goldrangergirl okay !
William Slover and
goldrangergirl are now friends
@slover-william thanks so much
Well hope your knee gets better and if you could you can also try heating pad or ice pak maybe a ice blue gel for easing the pain!