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  • lindahower
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    2 years, 6 months ago · updated 2 years, 6 months ago

    I was diagnosed was th Fibromyalgia years ago? What if any new meds/ are available now and treatments?

    1 Comment
    • Fibro medications are really a trial and error as we all react differently. I stepped through over 40 medications etc in the past 13 years myself. I will say, the ones to avoid, bad experience for me (and many) would be Cymbalta and Fentanyl. I’ve heard a lot of great things about Savella -in fact some no longer have pain on it! That is the one I wish I could try but can’t because of other health issues. I have wanted to try cryotherapy for many years for it but the cost, when I had looked into it was not covered by insurance. Hopefully someone else with better answers will pop on here 😉



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William Slover


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