EmilyXLC posted a new activity comment
Good morning, @mamabear18. The Flu has a special way of leaving you feeling like you got hit by a bus! Have you found anything that has helped at all? I spent a TON of time in a hot shower and bath during the last Flu season. Healing hugs to you, my friend!
EmilyXLC posted a new activity comment
Oh @Mamabear18 I am sorry to hear that– that cold weather can really get you aching! I hope you are able to find some comfort today, my friend. Hugs to you.
William Slover posted a new activity comment
Sorry to hear @mamabear18 , hang in there
EmilyXLC posted a new activity comment
Thanks so so much for the add, @mamabear18! Hope you’re having a great day.
EmilyXLC posted a new activity comment
@mamabear18 What an adorable and smart pup! I’m glad you have such a great buddy to keep you safe.
EmilyXLC posted a new activity comment
Hello @mamabear18, I am ALSO always looking for new things to try for these debilitating migraines! If you respond well to either hot or cold therapy (or both!). I keep this thing in my freezer whenever I’m not using it and LITERALLY wear it to sleep every single night, especially when I’m feeling a migraine coming on:…Read More
William Slover posted a new activity comment
Welcome @mamabear18 you are in the right place. We have a few Migraine sufferers here. Hopefully they can offer some tips.. @emilyxlc ???
@slover-william thank you 🥰