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  • MEC77
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    MEC77 posted in the group Fibromyalgia

    1 year, 11 months ago · updated 1 year, 11 months ago

    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia back in 2010. I have tried all kinds of prescription medications and have never found anything to really work for me. I also feel like it is different with everyone: what might work for me may not work for 20 others. That being said: I use cannabis and I exercise. Yoga has helped me a lot, as well. I am prescribed a muscle relaxer for really bad days, but I rarely have to use it. Mental health plays an important role in our pain control as well. When I am anxious or depressed, I tend to have more flares than when I am in a general happy mood. I actively work on my thoughts with meditation and I went to therapy, which has helped me as well. I hope this helps some people. I know it seems like the pain is overwhelming and if we move it will hurt worse, but it really does help alleviate some of the pain to move and not allow ourselves to just lay around. Praying for all who live with this horrible condition.

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