Rida posted in the group Fibromyalgia
Beautiful Pain Relief Frequency
Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain Relief Frequencyby Binaural Beats Sound Therapy
@eclecticzebra I guess it’s just relaxations’ frequency, does not really heal, but I believe music, sound and chants can be used for healing in many cultures, there are some researches done about sound healing https://soundhealingcenter.com/
Have you even gone to a drum circle? I’ve gone a few times in the past-(I have given natural relief more than the old college try lol) it was so fun- same premise. I’m sure they can be found in your area, give it a shot, if anything, you will meet some interesting people and have a lot of fun!
@eclecticzebra I never did but ill do one day, I looked them up on YouTube very interesting