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  • Rida
  • Clearwater, Florida
  • Profile picture of Rida

    Rida posted in the group Chronic Pain

    1 year, 11 months ago · updated 1 year, 11 months ago
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    1 year, 11 months ago · updated 1 year, 11 months ago

    So I heard from a friend of mine about Bee Sting Therapy Might Help People With Chronic Pain I was surprised about that and decided to make a little research and see what experts say, story started when one of my friends almost died and entered to the ICU after getting stings by hundreds of bees in his head, so another said actually bee stings can help some people fighting chronic pain like migraine because there is a story of a woman who cured her migraine with bee sting I also found the story in National Library of Medicine link below, and I got this for you to see and if you know something about it please share it
    see the video and see the article

    • I was literally telling my family about this last night when I called them– my mom deals a lot with chronic pain and also likes bees, so I pitched this to her. Such an interesting concept for pain relief!

      • @emilyxlc maybe we will hear good news for chronic pain community this is the latest research about Apimeds 11 Oct 2021 Apimeds announces intention to submit BLA to US FDA, in 2024, Bee venom is still in phase III trials for Multiple sclerosis in USA (Intradermal) (Apimeds pipeline, October 2021)
        , Bee venom is still in phase III trials for Osteoarthritis in USA (Intradermal) (Apimeds pipeline, October 2021) source:



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