How many people still work full time?

Community Q&ACategory: Members GeneralHow many people still work full time?
cinlin asked 2 years ago

How many people still work full time, and what do you do about insurance. Do you get insurance from the health market. I’m planning to retire in about 3 years. I’ll be 66 but I’m think about working part time. Thanks for your answers

4 Answers
EmilyXLC answered 2 years ago

I currently am still working a fulltime job, and I get pretty good insurance through my employer.  My old job had us set up with stuff through the marketplace and it wasn’t bad at all!

laganbranch answered 3 months ago

I was wondering if you have health insurance through them.

laganbranch answered 3 months ago

My workplace provides me with decent health insurance, and I am still working at basketball legends full-time.

Beckham-Daniel answered 2 months ago

Many people still work full-time until retirement for benefits like employer-provided insurance. Some switch to part-time and use the health marketplace for coverage until What Beats Rock Medicare kicks in at 65.