Just rec’d and tried the Red Kratom stuff. I think I’m less stiff briefly but not energized or euphoric;) Today I went with 3 grams. For those of you taking it, what are any of you taking for dosage?
She sent me the following link, she said she used to microdose 2-3 grams (was for Crohns but she has had the surgery and has since changed what she takes) But varies considering weight, intensity/type of pain and metabolism so there isn’t really a set dose. *Sounds like any med, personal trial and error really. I looked at the link, there is a dosage calculator if you scroll just below the first photo. **** Sorry it wasn’t very much help, but looks like a good informative site at the least! https://kratom.org/guides/dosage/
It’s a future article? 😉 In a nutshell, one of those non FDA approved items that those who struggle with chronic pain try. There are many kinds, the color really has no difference but I do have friends that swear by red and only red, so red it is. It is controversial, like any non FDA approved substance. There is info here >> https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Kratom-2020_0.pdf
I have no experience with it, but a dear friend has taken it for years for Crohns – I can ask her what dose she takes. It may be a few days to get a response, she is a FT Geotechnical Engineer and not online much.