So, let’s talk… which term are you tired of getting? My favorite is when I’m in the middle of a debilitating migraine and someone refers to it as a ‘headache’.
@zachary-pottle Oh, 100% agreed– as someone with ADHD, I always get a chuckle out of that. It’s hard to joke about that stuff when you really see how it affects those you care about.
FINALLY! The perfect spot for the poo button 🙂 I hate hate hate the ‘but you don’t look sick’ statement..grrr Over the many years I have said a wide range of things in return, depending on the person, my mood and the way my medication may or may not be helping that day. It’s the verbal box of chocolates, ya never know what you might get! May even get nuts LOL 🙂 *would you like me to bruise you where I’m currently hurting? (Fibro=everywhere) *Thank you! You just confirmed that I CAN be a good actress! *And you don’t LOOK stupid, yet that came out *Hammer them with the Spoon Theory *You don’t look like what you’re going through either *when they drop the YOGA cr@p=Your misguided opinion is false but adorbs! Sooo many more have slipped out of my mouth LOL
@eclecticzebra You sound like you have heard it ALL! We should get business card handouts to give out when those things are said to you.
@nancytownsend There is no good reason to be dismissed and misunderstood. “I hope that you feel as good as possible, would have been a better option.” is probably what I’d end up saying. I’ve had lifelong pain but more serious, within the last 13 years. I’ve probably heard all the uncaring words known to man. Nothing gets my goat worse than a person feeling dismissed and unheard.
I truly, truly do not appreciate when people use phrases like, “I’m so OCD” or “I can’t focus, it’s my ADD” when it’s clear they don’t have those conditions. It really desensitizes people to the actual meaning and severity of those words. The same goes for when people make jokes about suicide or drug addiction. BIG pet peeve of mine.