New here. Looking to meet people going through chronic pain. It’s hard for people who aren’t dealing with it to understand. It’s hard for me to understand sometimes. Always looking for ways to make life more livable and enjoyable. I’m also a good listener and very compassionate.
You are right! People including family don’t really understand what it’s like to try and function when you are in a lot of pain. I guess they get tired of my complaining which I try to not do too much but there are things I just can’t do
Welcome Bleugirl1, so glad to have you here on this site. You can be real here and I will listen because sometimes others can share their situation or understanding, especially when the subject matter is physical pain. When you have long-term pain, it is not something a loved one or friend feels comfortable with hearing constantly due to worry…Read More
William Slover posted in the group Chronic Pain
3 Tips for Natural Pain Management – https://painresource.com/chronic-pain/3-tips-natural-pain-management/
Zachary Pottle posted in the group Chronic Pain
Does anyone else suffer from chronic headaches when using the computer? If so, what have you found works for you? I’ve tried the blue light glasses, and they don’t seem to help. Any suggestions?
I changed my browser setting to “dark” (you can do this for your whole computer too) and that seems to have helped.
@dori-smith Thanks! I’ll give that a try and see if it helps!
My eye doctor had me get computer glasses. They don’t have the blue light thing. I’m not for sure what prescription or what he had done to them. But they were very helpful for me. So maybe talk with your eye doctor on different prescriptions for screen time.
Do you have the blue light blocker turned on, on the computer itself? I keep it on 24/7 and keep the brightness more than halfway down. I’m a squinter but that solved some of it..
Can also suit up the computer itself.. a lil’ pricey but a business expense! https://www.amazon.com/s?k=blue+light+blocker+for+computer+monitor&crid=AEUGAVPCLUCZ&sprefix=blue+light+blocker%2Caps%2C180&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_3_18
Welcome @Beingray you have come to the right place