Hi I jusr posted a message this am This is my first time using my account with yourselves I am posting a picture!
@aweber Thanks so much for your reply I was feeling as though i was in outer space lol I keep replying on the wrong page on this site to a ‘non live’ person so good to know my message shows up somewhere Can u tell me how i join a live chat room as such or is there not on in this group? I am trying to find a group where members can chat and…Read More
@margaret-leathem Hello Margaret-Leathem and welcome from across the pond! While there is not a live chat function on the site (yet!), I have found that when I am going back and forth with someone, it is almost the same thing. The replies are posted so quickly, it’s like an email conversation. I know it’s not the same thing, as people will sign…Read More
@aweber is right! Your posts won’t go long without a response here, regardless of how you post them– we are a fairly active community.
Hi @Margaret-Leathem! So excited to have you here– welcome.
@emilyxlc Hi Emily I was begining to think i was typing to myself here lol It seems i have found the ‘connect’ button””” Is this the place on this site that we communicate with each other or is there a common chat room where lots of folk talk to each other? I am happy to use either this private mess thingy or a big fgroup but finding this site…Read More
@margaret-leathem Wow wow wow, Ireland! Im from the US. You can post here on the wall like we are doing now, down in the chat room (bottom right corner) or within the groups which are on the left side of your screen (Chronic Pain, Pain Management, Mental Health, Invisible Illness, etc.).
Margaret-Leathem and
temeisha-quick are now friends
William Slover and
Margaret-Leathem are now friends
Hi all from Ireland I just joined here on Thursday and am a wee bit lost on here as to where to reply to and where to join a chat room It took me forever to post a profile pic and i only managed to show one EYE lol Any replies would be welcome I live in Ireland so if any of you are in the USA its about 9pm Fri night with you – its 3am here…Read More
@margaret-leathem Wow Did not reaslise the photo would be so BIG- stiill finding my way round his site so anyone who see’s anything from me can u just let me know that it has reached you safely Thanks Mosey
@margaret-leathem welcome to the site and nice to meet you!
Hi I am not sure to whom i am replying here lol I have just joined this site a few days ago and am a bit lost as to where i post or reply or join an actual chat room I 2 have not a lot of happy news i am afraid as i am in considerable pain at this moment but even taking the incentive to join this group has given me a wee ‘lift’ I live in…Read More
Margaret-Leathem changed their profile picture
Hello Maragaret-Leathem and welcome to the Community.