Pk Dufner wrote a new post
Review: Overcoming Pain Based on EMDR App
Back in 2012, I had spinal fusion surgery. 17 of my vertebrae ended up being connected by titanium rods and screws. I […]
Pk Dufner wrote a new post
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Pk Dufner wrote a new post
Review: Overcoming Pain Based on EMDR App Back in 2012, I had spinal fusion surgery. 17 of my vertebrae ended up being connected by titanium rods and screws. I […]
Back in 2012, I had spinal fusion surgery. 17 of my vertebrae ended up being connected by titanium rods and screws. I had pain before the surgery, but afterward, I had to relearn how to hold myself up, how...
Pk Dufner wrote a new post
Chronic pain sufferers know that, while it affects everyone differently, everyone has a bad pain day every now and then. On days like this, there's really no way to leave your bed, and we all dread these days. But...
These are very good suggestions that I know well from doing on bad days. I enjoy watching YouTube Videos on magnet hunting, Locker Nuts (buys storage lockers and walks you through his finds with his go-pro camera on) is a specific YouTuber that is great to watch and to keep your mind off the pain.