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    temeisha-quick posted in the group Healthy Living

    2 years, 4 months ago

    Pain Resource – Health News & Chronic Pain Help From Experts
    Dental PainSix Easy Ways to Improve Your Oral Health
    Dental PainMouth & Dental Issues
    Six Easy Ways to Improve Your Oral Health
    Your mouth is the entry point to your body, so keeping it healthy is vital. Here are six ways to improve your
    Six Easy ways to Improve Your Oral Health
    Your oral health is more important than you might realize. The health of your mouth, teeth, gums, and tongue can all affect your general health. The state of your oral health can help offer clues about what may be going on with the rest of your body, and can potentially help you spot the early signs of other health conditions. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about oral health, including six easy ways you can improve yours.

    What Does It Mean to Have Good Oral Health?
    Oral health affects nearly every aspect of our lives, however, it is often taken for granted. It is a key indicator of overall health, well-being, and quality of life. Oral health encompasses a wide array of conditions and diseases, some of which include dental caries (cavities), periodontal (gum) disease, tooth loss, oral cancer, and oro-dental trauma. It’s estimated that nearly 3.5 billion people worldwide are affected by some form of oral disease, according to the World Health Organization.

    While most people in the United States have access to quality oral care products and services, cavities remain one of the most prevalent chronic diseases among children. What’s more, some 100 million Americans fail to see a dentist each year, despite access to quality dental care. Many people believe that they need to see a dentist only if they are in pain or think something is wrong, but regular dental visits can contribute to a lifetime of good oral health.

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    Practicing good oral health can be easy, and doing so can help prevent a host of diseases and conditions. In fact, many systemic diseases that affect the body may first become apparent because of mouth lesions or other related oral problems.

    Let’s next take a look at why oral health matters, and look at some of the most common conditions that arise when it declines.

    Why Oral Health Matters
    Like other areas of your body, such as your gut, your mouth is teeming with bacteria. This bacteria, for the most part, is harmless, but if left to accumulate can cause disease. Your mouth is quite literally the gateway to your digestive and respiratory tracts, which means that some of these harmful bacteria can make their way into your lungs or digestive system.

    Typically, your body has natural defenses against harmful bacteria. This, coupled with proper oral care, like brushing and flossing, normally keep bacteria under control. However, without proper oral care, bacteria can reach levels that can lead to oral infection, tooth decay, and gum disease.

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