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    temeisha-quick posted in the group Healthy Living

    2 years, 2 months ago · updated 2 years, 2 months ago


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    What The Yellow Spot On A Watermelon Tells You
    Decha Sukprasert/Shutterstock
    BY WENDY LEIGH/JUNE 14, 2022 4:43 PM EDT
    People do a whole lot of things to coax secrets out of a watermelon. From thumping to scratching, shaking, tapping, and slapping, folks are seeking just four morsels of the melon’s intelligence: Is this watermelon ripe, juicy, sweet, and delicious? In other words, is it ripe? Considering a watermelon’s sometimes-massive size, it’s difficult to know what’s snuggled up inside that thick-wasted outer rind. But farmers and in-the-know melon aficionados have plenty to say about that.

    Cooking Secrets Chefs Really Don’t Want You To Know
    Known botanically as Citrullus lanatus, watermelons are part of the Cucurbitaceae family of flowering, vining plants (per MasterClass). They are the “big brothers” to cantaloupes as well as honeydew melons and have at least 300 cousin-varieties spread across the USA and South America. They’re a healthy group by nature, imparting vitamins C, A, and B-5; minerals potassium and copper; the amino acid citrulline; and the antioxidant lycophene, per Healthline. The larger-than-life fruits take about 80 to 90 days to ripen in the main season, per Better Homes & Gardens, so it’s important to decipher if they sat in the fields long enough to reach the perfect juicy sweetness. That’s where the “yellow spot” discussion comes into play.

    Is a watermelon’s yellow spot the best way to tell if it’s ripe?
    Kristi Blokhin/Shutterstock
    Even if you have a predetermined method of choosing the best watermelon, put passion aside for a minute and hear from the experts at They champion a simple way of telling if a watermelon is ripe, which incorporates several tips into their “Look, Lift, Turn!” approach. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t advocate the thumping method.

    The first step is obvious, though sometimes overlooked: pick up that watermelon and eyeball it, searching for signs of damage such as indentions, bruising, and cuts that pierce the rind. Scratches are normal considering its journey from field to market.

    The second “lift” step can be challenging considering a watermelon’s weight (the heaviest one recorded by Guinness World Records in 2012 rolled from Tennessee into infamy at 350.5 pounds). Since a watermelon is 92% water, it should feel very heavy, indicating that it’s still fresh and juicy, explains Healthline.

    Finally, there’s the “turn” step — and that’s where you’ll find the yellow spot. This is known as the field or ground spot; aptly named for its position directly on the ground, explains MasterClass. This is where the melon soaked up sun; ripening to full glory. The creamy- or buttery-colored yellow spot on the underside indicates that its fully ripened on the vine and ground for a sufficient amount of time before it was harvested. If the spot is white, it was picked too soon, sacrificing the juicy sweetness you crave.


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    30 Healthy Snack Ideas That Won’t Ruin Your Diet
    When a craving strikes midday or gets you right before bed, it can take all sorts of self-control to ignore them (if we can, in fact, ignore them). Snacking can be difficult when trying to stick to a specific diet, because it can be hard to know what foods are suitable and which are probably better to skip without consulting the ingredients list or doing a Google search.

    But you don’t have to ignore those cravings completely, all you have to do is snack smarter. Instead of reaching for that bag of potato chips or cookie dough ice cream and hoping it fits into your diet plan (you probably checked it was keto before you bought it, right?), there are plenty of easy snack options that will feed whatever craving you’re facing. 

    We rounded up 30 healthy snacks that help feed that hunger when even the worst craving strikes. These snacks are packed with the good stuff, which means they have other added benefits that are good for your health too, making them all the more pleasurable.

    Trail mix
    Ildi Papp/Shutterstock
    Trail mix is made with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, so it’s a snack the packs a nutritional punch. Not only is it high in protein (hello, nuts) but it’s also heart-healthy and good at lowering your blood sugar (looking at you dried fruit). Any seeds in your trail mix are also likely to be packed with tons of minerals and vitamins, including magnesium, according to Healthline. So while your trail mix is fueling you up during that afternoon slump, it’s keeping your heart healthy, too.

    One thing to keep in mind: not all trial mixes are alike. Some can be loaded with sugar thanks to all the chocolates and candies added in. (Look, we love M&M’s as much as the next person, but they’re probably best left out of your trail mix.) If you’re looking for something sweet, stick to trail mix with dark chocolate. When adding ingredients or buying a trail mix that’s already made, be sure to look for ingredients that are raw and unsalted. This not only keeps the sodium low, but it allows you to really taste the flavors of these delicious ingredients.

    Greek yogurt with fresh berries
    We love Greek yogurt — not only is it thicker than regular yogurt, helping us feel fuller longer, it tastes good, too. Add some fresh berries and you’ve got a sweet treat that is good for you. Not only will Greek yogurt fill you up, but it also helps boost your metabolism, shares Medical News Today. Berries, on the other hand, are great to add into the mix not simply because they taste great, but because they are low in calories and have huge health benefits, including helping with brain function (due to being rich in anthocyanidins) while also helping fight off cancer (via Driscoll’s). Still not sold? Berries (especially blackberries) also have the power to help reduce inflammation, explains Geisinger Health.

    Use plain Greek yogurt and mix in your favorite berries for a sweet treat to keep you full and energized. While this is the perfect treat on its own, you can also drizzle some honey over top for some more added sweetness or sprinkle in granola when you’re looking for a little extra crunch. 

    Marys Poly/Shutterstock
    Nuts are always a good choice when it comes to healthy snacking, as they are high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. If your goal is weight loss, Livestrong recommends nuts for their ability to keep you fuller longer than other snacks. While all nuts are nutritious, certain ones offer different benefits. For example, hazelnuts are high in folate, which helps your cells grow, and Brazil nuts are packed with selenium, which can help with thyroid disease.

    Just be careful not to overdo it when snacking. While nuts are packed with good fats, it can still be easy to go overboard it when it comes to portion sizing. Eating nuts in moderation (like all good things) is the best way to properly enjoy the all benefits that nuts have to offer. And be sure to stick to the raw nuts instead of those that are covered in salt or sugar. Mayo Clinic warns these kinds may taste good, but unsurprisingly aren’t as nutritious as raw nuts. 

    Popcorn is a great snack, and you don’t even have to be sitting in a movie theater to enjoy it (actually, it’s probably better if you don’t, as a large popcorn at your favorite theater can contain almost 1000 calories with more than your daily dose of sodium). So while we might associate popcorn with a giant tub of the buttery stuff, the popcorn you should really be snacking on is a healthier version made in the comfort of your home. Air-pop it and go easy on the seasoning. 

    Popcorn is high in fiber, explains the American Heart Association, which helps make you feel full and may lower the risk of heart disease. And when you make popcorn at home it can also be low in calories, depending on how you choose to top it, so you can enjoy eating this snack without having to worry about overdoing it. Dress up your popcorn with a touch of sea salt, chili lime seasoning, or a little cinnamon sugar to achieve the flavor you love.

    Edamame have lots of health benefits to chew on. According to Well + Good, they are high in protein so you get a ton of natural energy when eating edamame and stay full longer after enjoying them. Healthline also says they are also packed with fiber and vitamin K, and have the power to help lower cholesterol, resulting in edamame being one healthy snack.

    We love edamame not only for the solid health benefits it offers to our body, but also for the taste, which is buttery and sweet. There are plenty of ways to snack on these green beans too, including the most traditional way: steamed and sprinkled with sea salt (similar to what you might find at your favorite sushi bar). But we’re all about trying out new things with our snacks, and say spicing edamame up with a five toast salt and sesame seeds is definitely worth trying.

    There’s a reason why watermelon is a sought-after refreshing treat during the hot summer months. HealthyWomen states that not only is it low in calories, but it’s contains a lot of water (up of 92%) to keep you hydrated — hence why it tastes so good on those really hot and humid days. And that pretty pink color isn’t just for show. The hue comes from the antioxidant lycopene, which has been said to help with the risk of diabetes and cancer, according to WebMD. 

    But it doesn’t have to be 90 degrees and muggy to enjoy this juicy fruit. Watermelon is great any time of the year as a healthy, thirst-quenching snack. Simply slice it up or cutting it into cubes and putting it in your favorite salad. And in case you’re not already sold on eating more watermelon, Healthline points out this fruit is loaded with vitamins A, B6, and C which can help keep your skin nice and soft.

    Packed with healthy dietary fiber, says Healthline, hummus is a nutritious snack that will get the job done right — and by job, we mean feeding that hunger. Hummus is made with chickpeas, a powerful legume that offer incredible health benefits on their own. (The Cleveland Clinic explains chickpeas can offer protection against things like heart disease and diabetes.) Hummus is also made with other impressive ingredients, including olive oil and garlic, which can help with inflammation.

    And while hummus is good for you, what you pair with it may not always be. We know how tempting it is to load up on bread or crackers (which are fine in moderation), but if you’re looking for a healthier, low carb snack option, you might want to stick with a side of cut-up veggies, like celery and carrot sticks. Another option is to enjoying a mix of veggies and pita bread, so you get the best of both worlds.

    Granola Bars
    NARANAT STUDIO/Shutterstock
    If you’re craving something sweet that will actually fill you up, certain granola bars might just do the trick. (Plus, they are the perfect “on-the-go” snack when you’re out and about on a walk, a hike, or exploring your town.) Packed with delicious ingredients like peanut butter, rolled oats, chocolate, and seeds, granola bars are the perfect treat when your sweet tooth has gotten a hold on you. Women’s Health says these bars are wholesome and rich in fiber, providing a great snack for anyone looking for a healthier option. Personally, we’re big fans of these homemade Almond-Quinoa Energy Bars, which are sweet but chewy and full of protein. 

    Be mindful of which granola bars you choose, as some come packed with sugar and carbs. Luckily, you’ll be able to tell these apart from the healthier versions pretty easily. Instead of being made with natural and raw ingredients, the labels will have added sugar and sweeteners, according to Healthline.

    Apple with Peanut Butter
    Hearing apples are good for you isn’t anything new. Apples have a reputation for “keeping the doctor away,” so we already know they are full of health benefits. Apples are rich in a fiber called pectin, which Insider explains can help with your gut health and immune system. But did you know the chewing required when eating apples is also beneficial? According to Everyday Health, the chewing actually helps make you feel fuller faster, because you are taking your time eating rather than scarfing it down and not really enjoying it. Funny how that works. So we say, leave the skin on and get that extra amount of chewing going.

    Peanut butter can also keep you staying full for a longer amount of time. When enjoyed in controlled amounts, peanut butter is a great healthy snack with lots of protein says WebMD, which can help keep your energy up. When apples are dabbed with peanut butter, you have a snack that is sweet and nutty, without having you worry about ruining your diet. 

    String Cheese
    Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock
    Another simple, on-the-go snack option is string cheese. Since it comes in a wrapper, it’s easy to throw a string cheese in your bag to enjoy later on. Just peel off the plastic and you’re good to go. When you check out the nutrition label on string cheese, you’ll notice it has fewer calories than other cheeses, but these little sticks still provide plenty of protein to help feed that hunger. When choosing a string cheese for a snack, stick with those made with mozzarella cheese, which can have less salt and saturated fats than other options, says Eat This, Not That!

    Sting cheese is great on its own but can also be accompanied by other items. Whole wheat crackers are a good option when you’re looking for a crunchier bite, or try pairing your string cheese with a side of fruit, such as grapes, to help give it that picnic feel.

    Hard-Boiled eggs
    A simple snack that offers tons of rewards, a hard-boiled egg is a lean protein that will fill you up. Not only does this food have lots of protein, but a hard-boiled egg is also packed with lots of vitamins and minerals, all good things to help your body stay healthy. For example, Healthline states vitamin D helps your brain function properly, while the calcium found in egg yolks can help make your bones stay strong, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Boil a few eggs ahead of time so they are cooled off and ready to be cracked when the hunger strikes. Of course, you don’t have to just stick with a hard boil egg as a snack. There are many different options to incorporate your hard-boiled eggs, such as making an egg salad or deviled eggs instead. Or you can make it really interesting and include the best of both worlds: deviled egg salad.

    Kale Chips
    Bartosz Luczak/Shutterstock
    Kale is known for being one super green and we can’t argue with that. With all its health benefits (including the possible protection against cancer and type 2 diabetes, according to Medical News Today, plus the ability to help support a healthy heart) kale is a vegetable you shouldn’t say no to. Eating kale for dinner is great, but so is chowing down on it during snack time. We love kale chips because they are the healthier option when craving a crispy snack. says these crispy leafy greens can help add energy to your day, and since they are low in calories, you can go all in and enjoy as many as you like without concern about your diet goals.

    And another good thing about kale chips? They are super easy to make. All you have to do is bake them in the oven with your favorite seasonings (can’t go wrong with the classic sea salt and garlic) and voila!

    Chia Pudding
    The thing about chia pudding is that it looks super indulgent, but is still really good for you. The key ingredient are the chia seeds, which (according to WebMD) are high in fiber and have antioxidants that can help fight against inflammation. Not only are these seeds good for your body, but they have a mild nutty taste that is really versatile, so they can be added to just about any dish says Bob’s Red Mill, no matter the flavor profile.

    Chia pudding is as filling as it is tasty, so you won’t get any of those pesky hunger pains an hour after you snack. If you’re interested in planning ahead, we suggest you try out cardamom coconut chia pudding made with overnight oats. You can prep the night before, so all you have to worry about the next morning is eating.

    Avocado Toast
    Nina Firsova/Shutterstock
    We know, we know. Avocado toast is such a trendy dish that it’s almost overdone. But we can’t deny how great this healthy snack is for filling you up and while still enjoying what you’re eating. Good Housekeeping says avocados are packed with fiber and healthy fats, and when you choose the right bread to go along with it, (say, of the multi-grain variety) you’ll get even more fiber in that slice of toast, too. Your cholesterol and digestive system will thank you.

    Another reason why we still can’t get enough of avocado toast? It’s just so darn easy to make, right down to only really needing the two ingredients. However, this simple dish is also incredibly versatile (one more reason for our loyal love affair) so you can mix things up by adding in other items, such as salmon, sesame seeds, tomato, or onion. Naturally, nothing says mid-morning snacking like a poached egg on top.

    Speaking of avocados, you’ll get plenty of them (and all their benefits) by whipping up a fresh bowl of guacamole. Since it’s made with avocados (which, as stated above, are packed with healthy fats), snacking on guacamole is a solid choice. It may look light, but thanks to those smashed avocados, guacamole is one of those snacks that, according to CookingLight, will help keep you fuller longer. And when you add in the other traditional guacamole ingredients, you get even more health benefits (not to mention so much flavor). Chopped red onion offers not only a nice bite, but can help with your digestive system thanks to its prebiotics, says SwedishAmerican. The tomatoes are packed with antioxidants that can keep your heart healthy, while the cilantro can help with inflammation.

    When figuring out what to pair with your guacamole, opt for baked tortilla chips (but don’t go overboard, as LiveStrong says they can be high in sodium). Veggies, like celery or bell peppers, are also great alternatives if you’re looking to steer clear of chips entirely.

    Cottage Cheese with Fruit
    Daria Medvedeva/Shutterstock
    If you’re looking for an all-around good snack that is a good source of protein and calcium, Healthline says cottage cheese is your match. Thanks to being packed with protein (along with its thick texture), cottage cheese can fill you up while fueling your body with B vitamins and other nutrients. Plus, cottage cheese is a low-calorie snack, so it will work well with just about any diet.

    Plain cottage cheese isn’t packed with a ton of flavor, but that’s what makes it so perfect. It’s a great accompaniment to a variety of other ingredients, such as fresh herbs and veggies (we love mixing in some dill and cucumber or tomato and basil) or fruits like banana and pineapple. If you don’t have any fresh fruit or veggies on hand, don’t worry. Try mixing in applesauce with a touch of cinnamon for a sweet, easy snack.

    Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds
    Dark chocolate and almonds are the perfect combination of something sweet and crunchy, but did you know it can also offer some health benefits? Dark chocolate can not only help with keeping your heart healthy, but can also boost your mood, according to The Daily Meal, making you feel downright good while eating it. Dark chocolate can also help keep your gut healthy and make sure your metabolism stays in check, thanks to fiber that “encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut,” explains Everyday Health. 

    According to LiveStrong, almonds are high in protein so they give you that boost of energy when needed to power through that afternoon crash. Mix them together with dark chocolate and you get a healthy snack that offers a lot in just a few bites. But don’t get too carried away – Healthline states that while dark chocolate might have less fat and calories than other candy, it still has a high-fat content, as do nuts. Eating too much of this snack all in one sitting may have you feeling too full come dinner. 

    Roasted Chickpeas
    Svetlana Monyakova/Shutterstock
    Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are a protein-packed legume (thanks to having all nine essential amino acids, according to Fitness Gene) that are considered one helluva “superfood” by some. Medical News Today says that chickpeas also containe choline, which can help with memory and muscle control. And since they are high in dietary fiber, chickpeas have the ability to help lower cholesterol and keep your digestive system working properly, states WebMD. 

    While you can simply eat these little guys straight out of the can, roasting them will really take this snack to the next level. One of the simplest ways to roast chickpeas is by sprinkling them with olive oil, sea salt, and curry powder, and popping them into the oven. The end result will offer some serious flavor without being too overwhelming.

    If you’re looking for something different, there are endless ways to flavor your roast chickpeas, such as our sweet and spiced maple za’atar recipe.

    Canned Tuna on Crackers
    A can of tuna can be a fantastic snack for when you’re really hungry since it’s made of lean protein, according to WebMD. The fish is also a good source of vitamin D, which can help not only your bone health but also boost your immunity. On top of all that, Healthline says canned tuna contains iron and omega-3 fatty acids, all good things that will help you fight fatigue and keep your heart healthy.

    You don’t even have to get fancy when eating canned tuna, which makes it all the better. Choose to stir a little mayonnaise and capers for some added flavor and a smooth texture, and pair with low-fat or whole wheat crackers. If you want something heartier, try adding beans or an egg for even more protein that will definitely keep you full until dinnertime, like a mini niçoise salad. 

    Fresh Smoothie
    Elena Hramova/Shutterstock
    When we think of smoothies, we right away think of a nutritious snack — but some smoothies can be packed with sugar, especially if they are pre-made. If you’re going to make you’re own or order one fresh from a juice bar (which we think is the best way to enjoy a smoothie), you’ll have the power to keep it as healthy as you want by using only whole foods, says Simple Green Smoothies. Order or make your smoothie with no added sugars (the natural sugars from the fruit will make it sweet enough) and consider adding some protein (think of all the nutritious ingredients we discussed earlier: yogurt, almond or peanut butter, avocado, and chia seeds) to help keep you full throughout the day.

    The health benefits of a smoothie really depend on what you put in it, so choose wisely. Fruits and vegetables all have their own health benefits, and while you don’t necessarily need to add protein, it is a great way to keep yourself from any additional snacking, therefore making it the heartiest and healthiest option.

    Frozen Yogurt
    Olga Gorchichko/Shutterstock
    Who doesn’t love a big ol’ bowl of ice cream after a long day? Luckily for anyone with a sweet tooth, swapping your favorite ice cream with frozen yogurt can help you stick to your diet plan. This frozen treat is not only tasty but can also help benefit your digestive system, says LiveStrong, as it can contain live bacterial cultures. Other benefits to eating frozen yogurt can include helping with bone density and heart health (via Organic Facts). Frozen yogurt is generally also lower in calories and fat than ice cream, just be sure to read your nutrition label and watch out for too much added sugar.

    Treat frozen yogurt like how you’d treat your ice cream and top it off with your favorite toppings, including fresh fruits (or roasted strawberries), walnuts, or some chocolate sauce (opt for dark chocolate, as we know that has the most health benefits). You can also get crafty and make frozen yogurt bark, a popular snack made of berries, yogurt, and honey, all frozen together on a baking sheet. Just break off and enjoy.

    Ants on a Log
    Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock
    Growing up, chances are you enjoyed ants on a log as an after-school snack — but this healthy treat doesn’t have to just be for kids. Ants on a log (or peanut butter spread over celery and topped with raisins) is a great snack for just about anyone, especially those looking for a healthy, easy, and nutritious option, says Michigan State University. This simple, three-ingredient snack is easy to make and has plenty to offer, including protein (thank you, peanut butter), a satisfying crunch courtesy of the celery, and a touch of sweetness from the raisins.

    This oldie but goodie can be customized to your liking, too. While the standard ingredients work well, Healthy Little Foodies says you can always change things up by using a banana or cucumber instead of celery, or cream cheese rather than peanut butter. Swapping out the raisins with other dried fruit still provides that natural sweetness, but you can also use olives if you’re looking for something a bit saltier. 

    Greek Salad
    Sea Wave/Shutterstock
    The Mediterranean region knows a thing or two about nutritious, but flavorful, cuisine, and this includes its salads. Greek salads are not only pretty to look at, with all the bright colors, but also incredibly tasty and nutritious. The dish is low in calories since it’s packed with healthy veggies and nutrients, and easily customizable if you’re avoiding a particular ingredient, making it perfect for anyone looking for a diet-friendly snack. LiveStrong explains that tomatoes and lettuce provide plenty of vitamins C and A, while the cucumbers have a good amount of potassium.

    Traditionally, a Greek salad consists of tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, Feta, and olives, all tossed in olive oil, but you can always add more ingredients to the plate. Try adding lean proteins, such as chicken or fish, or slices of avocado if you’d like to keep it vegetarian-friendly. Regardless of how you prepare a Greek salad, you won’t be disappointed in its colorful display of delicious and nutritious ingredients. 

    Turkey Roll-up
    kharoll Mendoza/Shutterstock
    If you’re looking for a low-carb snack that is simple to make, you might want to consider enjoying a turkey roll-up in your near future. Easyhealth Living says the lean protein from the turkey will provide a substantial snack, but what we really enjoy about this dish is how we can build it to our own liking.

    If you’re not feeling the tortilla wrap (or maybe don’t have any in your kitchen at the moment) use turkey meat or lettuce as your exterior, rolling it around whatever you choose, such as cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, or a condiment like mustard. We also love to include a pickle spear for an added tangy flavor. If you’re in a rush (or just want to keep it simple) you can always go with the classic turkey and cheese pairing: these two ingredients are packed with protein to keep you satisfied.

    Egg Salad
    Carey Jaman/Shutterstock
    As stated before, eggs are a great option when you’re searching for foods to fit into your diet — and they’re not only for breakfast. Eggs are high in protein, so having them for a snack will help provide added energy when you need it. Plus, they have other added health benefits, including keeping everything from our brains to our immune system working properly, according to Penn Medicine. Egg salad is a great option for a snack because it’s low carb and filling, says Fit Foodie Finds, and can be customized to your preference with some easy additions.

    An egg salad can be made with as few (or as many) ingredients as you like. You can’t go wrong with a little mayonnaise and a sprinkling of salt and pepper, but you can also change things up by adding anything from dijon mustard and chopped cornichons to fresh herbs, lemon, or even Greek yogurt. Eat it straight from the bowl, make it into a lettuce wrap, or stuff inside a bell pepper or avocado. 

    Smoked Salmon with Cucumber
    If you’re looking for something a little fancier to upgrade your everyday snacking habits, why not give smoked salmon a go? Here’s why we love smoked salmon: it’s not only a solid source of protein, but EatingWell states it keeps our metabolism healthy, too. Two big wins in our book. And even when it comes to diet-friendly foods we’re looking for something that tastes good (you’ll notice no unsalted rice cakes on this list). Luckily, this ingredient has that incredibly smoky, bold flavor we just can’t get enough of.

    Smoked salmon is always a crowd-pleaser when served over a crostini at a party, but it can be just as fun to enjoy while at home in your sweat pants. Sure, you can add it to a cracker, but we like using a cucumber as our foundation then adding cream cheese (or Greek yogurt) and dill. Talk about an explosion of flavor in one bite.

    Caprese Skewers
    Anton Bannov/Shutterstock
    As a low-calorie, easy-to-eat snack, Caprese skewers are a fan favorite. There are only four ingredients needed: cherry tomatoes,  bocconcini (aka those small mozzarella balls), fresh basil, and either a balsamic reduction or a little olive oil. This snack is super simple to make and looks pretty good, too. Bonus: Medical News Today says fresh mozzarella is high in protein, naming it one of the healthiest cheeses around.

    If you look through your kitchen and can’t seem to find any skewers, there’s no need to fret. You can still enjoy this dish the old-fashioned way — by making it into a Caprese salad. Simply layer all the ingredients on top of one another on a platter rather than sticking them with a skewer. (This is also the best option if you have regular tomatoes and mozzarella cheese instead of the mini balls and cherry tomatoes.) No matter what way you choose to stack your snack, we promise your Caprese creation will not disappoint.

    Dried Fruit
    While fresh fruit is an incredibly nutritious snack suitable for most diets, we love dried fruit too. Though the water content may have been removed during the drying process, that does not mean it isn’t healthy. Harvard Health Publishing says dried fruit contains more fiber and antioxidants than fresh, making it good for your heart and your diet. And if that isn’t reason enough to get chewing, PharmEasy reports dried fruit can also help boost your metabolism.

    Another great thing about dried fruit (besides all the health benefits) is you can eat it without giving much thought or preparation. Simply eat dried fruit right from the container, or mix them with some nuts and granola for an easy homemade trail mix. Just be sure to check the nutrition label and pay attention to portion sizes: warns that some dried fruits come packed with added sugars.

    Artichoke Salad
    Nina Firsova/Shutterstock
    We’re big lovers of artichoke hearts. And really, how could we not be? Their mild, slightly nutty and bitter flavor, goes well with so many ingredients, which is probably why they are added to a variety of dishes. Artichoke hearts can be eaten pretty much however you like, but we prefer adding them to a simple salad for a snack during the day. Mix in red pepper, olives, and balsamic vinegar for a quick and easy snack that is healthy and tasty, or buy them marinated and skip the prep work entirely. 

    Just be careful when using marinated artichokes instead of the plain variety that comes in a can. While full of vitamins C and A, Livestrong states that these little flavor bombs can be fairly high in calories and sodium. Depending on your diet plan, those may be things you’re looking to avoid.

    Baked Sweet Potato
    Nina Firsova/Shutterstock
    When you think of sweet potatoes, you may think they work best as a side for dinner with your favorite chicken dish. However, sweet potatoes are also great on their own as a filling snack or small meal. Not only do they taste amazing (we love that mild sweetness they offer), but they are also good for you. Everyday Health calls sweet potatoes a low-glycemic food, meaning they won’t spike your blood sugar and are suitable for those living with or at risk of type 2 diabetes. And since sweet potatoes are high in fiber and water content, according to NDTV, they can help with sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Rich with vitamins, potassium, and magnesium, Time says sweet potatoes are full of nutritional benefits. 

    Snacking on a sweet potato can be as easy as popping it in the oven (or microwave) with some oil and sprinkling a little cinnamon over top once it’s baked to golden perfection. You can also make your own sweet potato chips or mashed sweet potato with chopped pecans for a bowl of hearty goodness.


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    34 Keto Starbucks Drinks That Won’t Ruin Your Diet
    Natee Meepian/Shutterstock
    A keto diet can be the perfect approach for some people thanks to its numerous effects. The term is thrown around a lot, but what exactly happens when someone goes keto? According to Harvard Health, by reducing carbohydrates in the diet, cells must switch from using sugar as a fuel to using ketones. These in turn come from fat cells as they start to break down, aka ketosis. The swap isn’t immediate — it can take from two to four days — and people who follow a keto diet eat at most 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates daily.

    While it might sound tough for carb lovers, Healthline reports that a keto diet can increase “good” cholesterol levels and reduce triglycerides, blood sugar, insulin, and blood pressure. The outlet adds that quick initial weight loss is another factor motivating many people to shift to this low-carb lifestyle.

    You’ll have to adjust many aspects of your diet, but you don’t have to feel like you’re missing out if you decide to go the keto route. Increasingly, chain restaurants, recipe developers, and food products are considering keto diets. For all the Starbucks fans out there, we’ve collected a list of drinks that you can happily order at the coffee chain without derailing ketosis. Once you get the hang of it, you might even try ordering your own special creations — as long as the line behind you isn’t too long!

    Dark Roast Coffee
    Bloomberg/Getty Images
    If you only go to Starbucks for the fancy multi-ingredient drinks then you’ll want to skip this suggestion, but roast coffee is arguably the origin of Starbucks’ success. The dark roast with its “bold, robust flavors” is one of their more popular offerings. Thanks to black coffee’s nutritional properties, it contains no significant levels of macronutrients and minimal vitamins and minerals, according to Healthline. A grande black coffee clocks in at 5 calories and 0 grams of carbs, which means that as long as you stick with unadulterated java, it won’t interfere with your keto diet. Even better, a study published in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology reports that drinking coffee in the morning raises ketone levels in the blood.

    If you like coffee but can’t stand drinking it black, Natural Force has a few tips to ensure you stay on track: use natural sweeteners such as stevia or monk fruit, add cinnamon or other spices for extra flavor, and load up on heavy cream since it’s filled with fat. Don’t be shy about bringing keto creamers, protein powders, or other add-ins along when you go to your local Starbucks. The best part about a simple dark roast coffee is that it can be a great base for your favorite extras.

    Bloomberg/Getty Images
    Coffee fanatics and purists will be on board with a classic espresso. Opt for a single shot or make it a double if you need the extra kick. Starbucks describes the drink as having notes of caramel, so you might even forget it only contains 5 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrates, a dose of caffeine, and not much else. It’s certainly an acquired taste but the great part about espressos is that you don’t have to keep sipping on a full cup to get your caffeine intake. A single shot (solo) is just 1 ounce which makes it a very effective way of consuming coffee.

    While it’s not the ideal drink to order if you plan on lounging around on a comfy couch at your local Starbucks, sometimes a coffee is just a coffee. Plus, since you’ll barely have two sips, even if you aren’t accustomed to drinking black coffee, you’re less likely to add all sorts of extras into your drink as there’s not much of it to ingest. You might even begin to love the taste of black coffee and you’ll limit tempting high-carb add-ins — it’s a win-win!

    Espresso Con Panna
    If you’re okay upping your espresso carb count to 2 grams in order to enjoy a bit of extra decadence, an espresso con panna should be your next Starbucks order. The name spells out the ingredients (albeit in Italian), but all you have to know is that it’s a double espresso served with whipped cream. The drink isn’t a uniquely keto creation and in fact, it is regularly served in Italy (via CoffeeSphere).

    Let’s be clear, we’re not talking about a venti-sized cup with one shot of espresso, topped to the rim with whipped cream. Since an espresso cup is small, you’ll only get about one spoonful of whipped cream, which is just enough to make your drink feel like a treat, but not so much that it gets in the way of ketosis. Plus, 2.5 grams of fat will help fuel your energy so you don’t get tempted by an impromptu craving for a piece of banana bread.

    An Americano is just an espresso topped up with hot water, which means that there are only 1 to 2 grams of carbohydrates depending on the size (or shots of espresso in the drink). If you’ve never tried it, a drip coffee and an Americano are ultimately quite comparable in terms of taste. Spoon University explains that your average cup of coffee is brewed at a lower temperature over a longer duration which can subdue some of the bitterness from the beans. All the same, Starbucks’ dark roast is known for being quite robust so the difference in flavor is subtle.

    Depending on how many espressos are in your Americano (more if you’re ordering a venti), you’ll have more or less caffeine than a regular drip coffee. Since the drink offers straight-up no-nonsense coffee, feel free to include a keto-friendly addition such as heavy cream, stevia, monk fruit sweetener, or cinnamon to make it your own.

    Iced Shaken Espresso
    There’s a lot to say about how a drink is made, and that’s certainly clear with Starbucks’ iced shaken espresso. Per Starbucks, the shaking technique is borrowed from mixology — perhaps baristas wanted to get a feel for what bartenders do on a daily basis. In the case of this coffee beverage, shaking it helps the flavors combine smoothly and it causes the drink to cool down more quickly. Alicia Binion is a senior product developer for Starbucks, and she explains that “[i]t creates a rich texture on your palate — by just adding air.” Imagine if that worked to add flavor to food all the time … In any case, the benefit of this method is that a simple few ingredients are immediately enhanced thanks to a quick shake.

    There are currently three versions of the drink, and the most basic lists ice, milk, a brewed espresso, and classic syrup. The other two options are made with almond or oat milk, and are flavored with chocolate malt powder and brown sugar syrup respectively. The simplest one to modify is the standard version, since you can swap the milk with unsweetened almond milk or heavy cream. Ask for no classic syrup and replace it with your choice of sweetener, or use the sugar-free vanilla or cinnamon dolce syrup to add extra flavor.

    Low-Carb Cappuccino
    Bloomberg/Getty Images
    Following a keto diet often requires a bit of creativity but thankfully, you won’t have to forego your daily Starbucks cappuccino. However, it will need a makeover since registered dietitian Amy Kubal explains to Well+Good that dairy milk contains carbohydrates in the form of lactose. Since a cappuccino is an espresso topped up with plenty of milk foam, you’ll want to swap the dairy for another option.

    Unsweetened almond, soy, or coconut milk are all decent low-carb options to replace the classic. Each contains around 1 gram of carbs per cup according to Kubal, which is a definite improvement compared to 12 grams in one cup of whole milk. You’ll definitely want to skip alternatives like oat and rice milk which are not keto-friendly options. If you can’t imagine coffee without its traditional dairy counterpart, opt for half and half or better yet, heavy cream which is higher in fat and has a lower carbohydrate count (via KetoConnect).

    Low-Carb Caffè Misto
    It’s easy to get confused between all of the possible ratios of milk to coffee that make up the Starbucks menu. A caffè misto keeps it simple by using a one to one ratio of brewed coffee to steamed milk. If you’ve spent any time in France then you might be familiar with a café au lait which Roasty Coffee calls identical. Unlike a cappuccino or latte, a caffè misto has a subtler flavor since the shot of espresso is substituted by brewed coffee. For a bolder drink simply request a more robust brew, or go for something milder if you just want a hint of coffee.

    Once again, you’ll need to adjust your choice of milk since regular dairy options contain far too many carbohydrates. Unsweetened almond, soy, or coconut milk are good choices, plus they’ll add a pleasant flavor to a fairly standard drink. Or, mix it up and ask for a splash of half and half topped off with your choice of non-dairy milk to get some of the rich creaminess.

    Almond Flat White
    Another excellent option on the Starbucks menu: the flat white. If you’re not especially familiar with it, a flat white is made with two short espresso shots topped with steamed milk. Indeed, unlike its frothy foamy counterpart the cappuccino, a flat white is in fact, flat. Though not quite as popular in the U.S., according to The Culture Trip, the origin of the drink is a point of contention between New Zealand and Australia, and it might have even been around in England prior to the dispute.

    Since it’s regularly made with whole dairy milk, you’ll want to swap that out for a non-dairy alternative. We recommend trying it with almond milk for a subtly nutty flavor. If you’ve never steamed milk before you might not have considered the fact that non-dairy milks behave quite differently due to their composition. Thankfully, Perfect Daily Grind reports that coffee shops are having increasing success steaming almond milk thanks to specially designed products such as Almond Breeze’s Barista Blend.

    Low-Carb Latte
    A latte is probably among the more popular orders at Starbucks, thanks to the perfect balance of espresso and steamed milk, topped with a layer of foam. Well, we know that the milk isn’t going to be good for ketosis so you have a few options to turn this drink around. The first is to choose an alternative to whole milk. If it has to be dairy, try half and half or heavy cream for a high-fat ,low-carb solution. Alternatively, almond, soy, or coconut milk will do, but be sure to check that they are unsweetened.

    Experimentation is at the heart of finding keto options that don’t feel like too much of a compromise. One Redditor recommends giving your latte a complete makeover and asking for an Americano (espresso with hot water) topped with a splash of heavy cream. It’s not the lowest carb option available, but some days you’re meant to make adjustments elsewhere and enjoy your coffee as you please.

    Cold Brew
    Phubes Juwattana/Shutterstock
    A Starbucks cold brew has a lovely 0 grams of carbohydrates since it’s basically just cold black coffee served on ice. You won’t want to describe it that way to devotees since in fact, cold brew is made using a different technique than your standard drip coffee, namely, using cold water. Starbucks notes that their cold brew is made in small quantities on a daily basis so it’s definitely fresher than the refrigerated options you might find at your grocery store. Instead of pouring hot water over ground coffee beans, the beans steep in cold water for 20 hours. You could try to make your own at home, but Starbucks indicates that they use a special blend of beans cultivated for cold brewing.

    Cold brew is touted as being milder, slightly sweeter, and significantly less bitter than coffee brewed at high temperature, however, the difference can be subtle depending on the beans. And while it is often praised as being higher in caffeine, that’s also up for debate. All the same, if you like drinking cold coffee, this is a great way to enjoy it. For a flavor boost, add a splash of heavy cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon and you’re set!

    Low-Carb Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte
    This delicious Starbucks drink is refreshing and sweet, but a regular grande iced blonde vanilla latte packs in 30 grams of carbs, 28 of which are from sugar. Unless you’re willing to splurge on this beverage for your entire day’s worth of carbohydrates, you’re best off making a few adjustments to the standard order. Typically, the drink is made with ice, milk, espresso, and vanilla syrup. Start off by skipping the regular dairy milk and replacing it with a smaller amount of heavy cream. You’ll get a rich and satisfying texture, some grams of fat to keep you full, and less carbohydrates overall. Alternatively, for a non-dairy fix substitute the cow milk with unsweetened almond or soy milk. Be sure to check with the barista whether or not these milk alternatives are sweetened or else you’ll quickly overdo it on the carb count.

    As for the vanilla syrup, the usual product is high in sugar so that’s a no-go. Although Starbucks’ sugar-free vanilla syrup only has 1 gram of carbohydrates per 2 tablespoons (roughly two pumps), since it contains artificial sweeteners, you may want to take it easy and opt for one or two pumps to avoid a blood sugar response. However, not all dietitians agree that sugar substitutes will impact your glycemic index, including Jaclyn London who tells Delish it just isn’t the case.

    Nitro Cold Brew
    Prachana Thong-on/Shutterstock
    Starbucks’ nitro cold brew is made by first steeping coffee beans slowly at low temperature as per a standard cold brew. However, nitrogen is pumped into the coffee and it’s served up frothy from a keg, affecting the texture and flavor. Starbucks describes the drink as being sweet — minus the sugar and carbs thankfully! Plus, the consistency is velvet-like which, for some coffee fans, provides an improved drinking experience.

    The practice of infusing a drink with nitrogen didn’t begin in coffee shops, and craft breweries and Irish pubs have long used the technique with stouts, ales, and various beers to create a rich smooth mouthfeel. As for cold brew, nitrogen might have the benefit of balancing out the thinner texture that makes people unwilling to drink black coffee. If you can have your coffee taste creamy with a hint of sweetness by only adding nitrogen, why not? It’s carb-free after all!

    Keto Iced Mocha
    Starbucks makes an iced skinny mocha drink, but the standard version made with espresso, milk, and skinny mocha sauce, contains 18 grams of carbohydrates for a grande. Sure it’s low in fat which makes it appropriate for certain diets, but that’s kind of the opposite of what you want if you’re following a keto regimen. There are a few ways to modify the drink to maintain the flavor while reducing the carbs and upping the fat content.

    For starters, you could order a grande iced skinny mocha which usually comes with four pumps of syrup, and ask the barista to use one or two pumps. You’ll definitely want to swap out the low-fat cow’s milk for heavy cream or a non-dairy alternative. You’ll still get the flavor but only a fraction of the carbohydrates. The skinny mocha sauce is made with sucralose instead of sugar, an artificial sweetener that is a point of debate for many people on a keto diet, according to Mental Food Chain.

    Another option recommended by The Macro Barista is to order a grande iced Americano with mocha sauce, sugar-free vanilla sauce, and a splash of cream. It comes in at 8 grams of carbs, so you might still want to reduce the number of pumps of sauce though. You’ll still get some mocha flavor except you’ll have a greater volume of black coffee compared to the usual drink.

    Keto London Fog
    Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock
    A regular Starbucks London Fog tea latte is made with Earl Grey tea, vanilla syrup, and steamed whole milk. Oh, and a grande has 29 grams of carbohydrates — basically as much as your daily intake. Thankfully, you can still enjoy the citrus, bergamot, and lavender blend from the tea while keeping it keto. First of all, you’ll have to swap the regular steamed milk for half and half, heavy cream, or a dairy-free substitute in order to drop part of the carb count. Next, you’ll need to skip out on four pumps of regular vanilla syrup by using one or two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup for added flavor.

    Another option is to start with hot water and a couple of Earl Grey teabags. Top the drink off with some heavy cream and a pump or two of sugar-free vanilla syrup if you still want some sweetness. Be sure not to overdo it with the sugar-free sauce because it has the potential to increase your insulin level and get in the way of proper ketosis (via Wholesome Yum). If you want a bit of sweetener without using sucralose, skip the vanilla sauce and add some stevia to your drink.

    Keto Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew
    We’ve briefly detailed the impressive qualities of the nitro cold brew, which is slowly steeped and infused with nitrogen, producing a smooth subtly sweet flavor from simple coffee. The velvety texture feels like a total treat, and the standard drink doesn’t even have any added sugar! As for the vanilla sweet cream nitro cold brew, the coffee is topped with a homemade vanilla sweet cream. It sounds like dessert, which makes the fact that it only contains 4 grams of carbs a pleasant surprise.

    If 4 grams is more than you’re willing to add to your daily carb intake, you can make a few modifications. The vanilla sweet cream is made with cream, milk, and vanilla syrup. So, you’ll be able to shave off a couple of grams by asking for a nitro cold brew with a splash of heavy cream (via Spoon University) and a pump or two of sugar-free vanilla syrup. There you have it — a keto vanilla sweet cream nitro cold brew.

    Keto Frappuccino
    Mahathir Mohd Yasin/Shutterstock
    A Starbucks Frappuccino is arguably one of the more tempting menu items the coffee shop has to offer. They come in dozens of flavors (especially if you take advantage of the secret menu), but the most basic option, the espresso Frappuccino, counts 43 grams of carbohydrates in a grande. Thankfully, you can still enjoy a similar blended ice drink without ruining your keto agenda, and Hip2Keto has an option that will come in at 3 grams of carbs — far more manageable.

    The keto-centric website points out that you might want to place this order using the Starbucks mobile app or when the line is minimal since it comes off as a bit fussy. Nonetheless, you’ll be getting a drink that tastes creamy and decadent without all the extra sugar. Order an iced coffee with two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup (or your sugar-free syrup of choice), blended with extra ice and heavy cream or unsweetened non-dairy milk. If you’re not fond of including sucralose in your diet, skip the syrups and use stevia or monk fruit sweetener to balance out the bitter coffee.

    Low-Carb Caramel Macchiato
    A classic grande caramel macchiato has three pumps of vanilla syrup plus a caramel drizzle, and let’s not forget plenty of steamed milk poured over an espresso. It’s definitely not a great keto option with 35 grams of carbohydrates! One Reddit user, who claims to be a Starbucks barista, shared some keto-friendly hacks with the community, including an option if you can’t give up caramel macchiatos.

    According to the barista, you’ll want to order a skinny caramel macchiato, which means sugar-free vanilla syrup is used to make the drink. Top the cup with steamed unsweetened almond milk (or swap half of it for heavy cream), and the caramel drizzle is up to you. (Although, what’s the point of ordering the drink if there’s no caramel?) If you’re worried about the tally, we recommend one pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup, stevia if needed, and sticking with a light caramel drizzle.

    Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte
    Fans of fall will definitely want an option to enjoy their beloved PSL, and we have an iced one to suggest. Skip Starbucks’ iced pumpkin spice latte and its 47 grams of carbs for a grande, and have the barista make you a low-carb version. The standard is made with espresso, milk, pumpkin and vanilla syrup, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove all served on ice with extra whipped cream and more pumpkin pie spice sprinkled on top — a definite no go!

    You could stick to the same format and order an espresso with non-dairy milk, one pump of pumpkin syrup, and a splash of heavy cream with cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove. Add a packet of stevia if you want to sweeten the drink up a notch. Alternatively, The Macro Barista recommends ordering an iced coffee with one pump of pumpkin sauce, three pumps of vanilla syrup (though you might want to cut it down to one sugar-free), extra pumpkin pie spice topping so that the flavor isn’t lacking, and opting for half and half instead of milk (an unsweetened non-dairy option will reduce the carbs further). The Macro Barista’s version comes in at 12 grams of carbs so if you make the suggested adjustments you might be able to cut the amount in half. A treat, but a delicious one no doubt!

    Low-Carb Gingerbread Latte
    Leena Robinson/Shutterstock
    Gingerbread lattes are definitely another seasonal favorite in the winter, but if you were hoping it was naturally low-carb, think again. With 40 grams of carbohydrates, this espresso  with steamed milk, vanilla and gingerbread syrup, whipped cream, and nutmeg needs a keto makeover. Since the gingerbread syrup doesn’t have a sugar-free option, you’ll have to compromise if you want any hint of the classic flavor.

    The Macro Barista indicates how to make an iced version with 7 grams of carbs, but the basic ingredients are the same for the hot version. Order an Americano with one pump of gingerbread syrup, two pumps of sugar-free cinnamon dolce syrup, and a splash of half and half. You can cut the carbs further by replacing the half and half with heavy cream or unsweetened almond milk, and opting for one pump of sugar-free syrup if you want to go easy on the sucralose. Be sure to add plenty of powdered cinnamon on top.

    Vanilla Bean Coconut Milk Latte
    This warm tropical drink is certainly a winner among coconut lovers. Unfortunately, Starbucks’ standard vanilla bean coconut milk latte counts 26 grams of crabs since it uses sweetened coconut milk and vanilla bean powder. The drink comes in either an iced or warm version so you can adjust your creation accordingly depending on your mood. Start with a cold brew or Americano, then add a pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup, one scoop of vanilla bean powder, and light coconut milk, The Macro Barista directs. According to the coffee pro, the drink will count 7 grams of carbs which is on the steeper side for keto, yet it is undeniably decadent so we’re inclined to say it’s worth it.

    Of course, if you want to cut it down further, skipping the vanilla bean powder will reduce the sugar content but the flavor will also be lighter. Alternatively, make it a treat and instead, eliminate the sugar-free vanilla syrup to avoid consuming sucralose if you’re not a big fan.

    Iced Pineapple Black Tea Infusion
    Ordering an iced pineapple black tea infusion is the quickest way to be transported to a tropical beach far away. This simple drink is cool and refreshing, and the perfect choice if you’re not feeling like having a coffee at the moment. The standard beverage is made with a black tea infusion, as well as an aromatic combination that mimics the flavor of pineapple. Apple, orange peel, licorice root, chamomile pollen, and citric acid infuse plenty of fruitiness into the iced tea drink. What’s not so great are the four pumps of liquid cane sugar added to sweeten it.

    Make a point to request the drink with no syrup and instead, use stevia packets or your favorite keto sweetener. Thanks to the deliciously tropical infusion, you could even skip the sugar substitutes and enjoy your iced pineapple black tea simple and unsweetened. In case you’re watching your caffeine intake or avoiding it altogether, ask for a pineapple green tea infusion instead.

    Low-Carb Iced Matcha Tea Latte
    If you’ve gotten on board with the matcha trend (or simply want to have a bright green drink in your hand), Starbucks has some options on offer. The iced matcha tea latte is made with milk, ice, and matcha tea blend. Unfortunately, the tea blend is presweetened, listing sugar as its first ingredient followed by ground tea. Consequently, although you can avoid adding sugar to the drink, you can’t eliminate what’s already there. So while this option won’t be quite like an espresso in terms of carbs, if you’re enjoying it as a splurge there’s a way to keep the tally fairly low.

    Per Fast Food Nutrition, one scoop of Starbucks matcha tea powder contains 6 grams of carbohydrates, and a grande drink usually includes three! So for starters, you might want to cut that number down to one scoop and add a green tea bag to infuse extra flavor without affecting the nutrition of the drink. Next, instead of ordering your iced latte with 2% milk, ask for a splash of coconut milk or heavy cream. The former will add on a few grams of carbs but also plenty of flavor and creaminess. Meanwhile, some heavy cream will thicken up this tasty drink with a minimum of carbs. Take your pick!

    Keto Pink Drink
    So much for being a secret: Starbucks’ undisclosed menu gets plenty of attention. Case in point — the keto Pink Drink, a low-carb version of the Pink Drink. The classic is made with the strawberry açaí refreshers drink mixed with coconut milk and topped with freeze-dried strawberries. Unfortunately, 27 grams of carbs for a grande is well beyond the acceptable intake on a low-carb diet, which is why the keto option is popular.

    Women’s Health breaks down the order: Ask for an iced Passion Tango Tea, a pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup to provide some sweetness, and heavy cream. But, a Starbucks barista on Reddit warns the community that it tastes nothing like the original, a feeling that many consumers confirm. Brit+Co compares the original Pink Drink to a strawberry Starburst and “party in your mouth,” whereas the keto version lacked flavor and tasted watered-down. The absence of rich creamy coconut milk certainly accounts for the discrepancy, though if you’re looking for something mild, then the keto Pink Drink can be a fun choice.

    Keto White Drink
    Unlike many of the options on this list which require an understanding barista who’s ready to follow your set of instructions, the keto White Drink has a bit more traction since it’s on the secret menu. Keto recipe creator @ketosny posts on Instagram, “If it doesn’t taste like peaches and cream, they made it wrong.”

    Even though it’s more mainstream, you might need to refresh your barista’s memory by breaking down the order: an unsweetened peach citrus white tea with ice, some heavy cream, and a few pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, per Business Insider. The source adds that depending on how much sucralose you’re ready to ingest, you may want to skip it altogether and add some stevia to sweeten the drink instead. In any case, this is the kind of drink that could satisfy your Starbucks and dessert craving at the same time.

    Keto Horchata
    Starbucks offers a horchata almond milk Frappuccino which contains the equivalent of two days of carbohydrate intake on a keto diet. Since a traditional Mexican horchata is often made with rice that’s soaked in milk with cinnamon and then blended with vanilla and sugar, a few adjustments are needed before you can enjoy the refreshing drink.

    PopSugar shares the scoop on how to order a keto horchata at Starbucks: Ask for a shaken iced white tea minus the sugar, a couple of pumps of sugar-free cinnamon syrup, a splash of heavy cream for texture, and extra powdered cinnamon on top. If you want to sweeten it further, use stevia or monk fruit sweetener to minimize the sucralose. Hip2Keto recommends a similar creation, opting for iced black tea instead of white — the choice is yours. Whatever you do, be sure to add plenty of powdered cinnamon for some carb-free flavor.

    Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte
    Using one of its two sugar-free syrups, Starbucks offers an iced skinny cinnamon dolce latte on the regular menu. The creation consists of an espresso topped with fat-free milk, a couple of pumps of sugar-free cinnamon syrup, ice, and extra cinnamon sprinkles. While it’s fat-free and low in calories, 12 grams of carbohydrates in a grande is still pushing it when it comes to a keto diet. Since the carbs are mainly from the dairy milk, this is an easy fix. Simply swap out the standard cow’s milk for unsweetened almond, soy, or coconut milk. 

    Alternatively, create a brand new drink by asking for an iced coffee with a splash of heavy cream or unsweetened non-dairy milk, topped with a pump or two of sugar-free cinnamon ‘dolce’ syrup. You’ll definitely cut the carb intake by about half, making this drink a solid option for an occasional treat. Be sure to add plenty of powdered cinnamon on top and if you want it slightly sweeter, a packet of stevia or monk fruit sweetener.

    Sparkling Water
    Steve Cukrov/Shutterstock
    Okay fine, sparkling water isn’t especially unique to Starbucks but sometimes you really just need a cold drink to quench your thirst. Instead of choosing ordinary flat water, sparkling water adds a nice twist thanks to the bubbles. Plus, many options contain additional minerals which your body actually needs. These can affect the flavor so if you aren’t a fan of drinking water because it lacks taste, sparkling water can help keep you hydrated and entertain your taste buds. For even more flavor, opt for sugar-free naturally flavored options such as Perrier with a hint of lime, which happens to be available at Starbucks.

    While you’re staying hydrated and filling up from the carbonation, you might be less tempted to break your diet and get the giant chocolate chip muffin staring at you from behind the counter. No matter the reason, everyone could do with a bit more water in their daily intake, and bottles with resealable lids make it an easy task.

    Double Shot on Ice
    Talk about simple; Starbucks’ double shot on ice is almost all in the name. Typically, two espresso shots are mixed with a splash of milk and sugar, and the whole is poured over ice. This no-nonsense drink is for coffee lovers that’s for sure, but it’s not quite ready for keto diet enthusiasts. If you want to add an extra element of creamy decadence, try swapping the milk for heavy cream. Or, for a lighter take that mimics the silkiness of the original, go with unsweetened almond or soy milk.

    The next ingredient to tackle is the sugar, which baristas will generally use in syrup form. Make sure to ask for no syrup when you place your order and instead, sweeten your drink with stevia, monk fruit sweetener (via Healthline), or your favorite keto option. You’ll get the intensity from the espresso shots, and the milk and sweetener will tone it down a notch so the caffeine doesn’t hit you all at once.

    Chai Tea
    We’re not talking about the chai tea latte that has 45 grams of carbohydrates given the added sugar and honey in the chai concentrate (although we’ll give you some suggestions to imitate it anyways). Starbucks describes their simple chai tea as being bold and distinctive, brimming with cinnamon, clove, ginger, and cardamom aromas. Since the drink consists of two tea bags and hot water, we’re looking at an impressive 0 grams of carbohydrates and every other nutrient, minus a light hit of caffeine.

    While the drink is decidedly straightforward by Starbucks (and keto!) standards, there’s nothing like a warm cup of spiced tea when the temperature is cool. If you’re looking for a touch more decadence, add a splash of heavy cream, almond milk, and some stevia. Or take it a step further and follow The Keto Minimalist’s advice by adding a pump or two of sugar-free cinnamon ‘dolce’ syrup. You’ll get a decent approximation of a chai tea latte with only 2 to 4 grams of carbs.

    Iced Black Tea
    Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
    Black tea has long been a common option on any coffee house menu, but Starbucks’ iced version keeps the drink fresh and invigorating. Their iced black tea is made by shaking Teavana black tea with ice, infusing the drink with plenty of flavor. Delishably notes that the previous brand of tea used was slightly stronger, so reduce the amount of water if you like a bolder taste. Did we mention it has 0 grams of carbohydrates?

    Sure it’s a fairly simple drink, but you can use it as a foundation for a number of creative twists if you’re looking for something extra. Ask for just a splash of lemonade or add a pump of sugar-free syrup or stevia if your sweet tooth is acting up. Alternatively, a bit of heavy cream or unsweetened non-dairy milk is a good way to add some richness to the drink.

    Iced Green Tea
    The Starbucks iced green tea is part of the trio of unsweetened yet pleasantly flavored refreshing drink options at the chain coffee shop. You’ll get so much more than green tea with ice thanks to the infusion of mint, lemon verbena, and lemongrass that adds a decidedly herbal flavor to the drink. If you’re used to beverages that are heavily sweetened, it might take a moment for you to become accustomed to this simple sugar-free drink that’s also void of artificial sweeteners, but you’ll soon be hooked.

    If you’re looking for more reasons to sip on this cool drink, Body+Soul shares that green tea might have some benefits that assist in weight loss on a low-carb diet. Keto or not, green tea has a number of characteristics that can improve your health, including a hearty dose of antioxidants and polyphenols (via Healthline). This iced green tea boasts zero carbs and plenty of advantages so you’ll be doing your body some good when you order it.

    Iced Passion Tango Tea
    The iced Passion Tango Tea completes the trilogy of naturally unsweetened iced teas, which are easy to adjust based on personal preference. It also makes the teas undoubtedly keto, each containing 0 grams of carbs. If the name sounds familiar that’s because it’s the base for the keto pink drink. Instead of adding a bunch of extra flavors, not to mention carbs, the iced tea keeps the drink straightforward, and unlike most of the options on the list, it’s caffeine-free.

    The drink is shaken with ice to give it a frothy texture, but it’s the flavor that will wow you. Hibiscus, lemongrass, and apple are combined to make this refreshing tropical tea. Hibiscus is no ordinary flower, and Healthline reports numerous health benefits including antioxidant content which can decrease the risk of cancer, as well as possibly lowering blood pressure, triglycerides, and even assisting in weight management. Aside from the positive health features, it tastes delicious and you can easily customize it with a splash of lemonade or a sprinkle of stevia.

    Low-Carb Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink
    If you’ve been enjoying matcha tea and pineapple black tea infusions, wait until you try a combination of the two. A standard iced pineapple matcha tea is made with coconut milk, ice, matcha tea blend, and pineapple ginger syrup, totaling 30 grams of carbs for a grande drink. That’s definitely too steep for any keto or low-carb diet so we’ve made a few swaps so you can make this one a part of your repertoire.

    Start by ordering a pineapple green tea infusion with no syrup to load up on aromatics minus the sugar. Next, a splash of coconut milk will provide some creaminess, tropical flavors, and a bit of sweetness. (You can check if your local Starbucks serves sugar-free coconut milk but it’s not so common, per The Specialty Coffee Beans.) Since you’ve got some green tea flavors already, you can opt for half a scoop to one scoop of matcha tea powder to infuse more taste into your drink. Finally, there’s not really a sugar-free replacement for the pineapple ginger syrup so you’ll want to either use your choice of keto-friendly sweetener, or splurge with a pump of the stuff.

    Peach Citrus White Tea Infusion
    The Peach Citrus White Tea Infusion is the foundation of another popular low-carb option: the keto white drink. Here, the beverage is served in a refreshingly light format, with — you guessed it — 0 grams of carbohydrates. Apples, rose hips, hibiscus, lemon, chamomile, and lavender are the main elements that make up the delicate flavor. The fruity blend is combined with Teavana white tea, and the whole lot is shaken on ice. You’ll definitely feel cool and calm as you enjoy this tasty drink, and a hint of caffeine will keep you on your toes.

    The botanical aromas make this drink a pleasant sipper as is, but if you’re slowly coming off of a sweet beverage regimen, you have some leeway. Go ahead and sprinkle in some stevia or monk fruit sweetener, and if your daily carb allowance can handle it, the drink is commonly enhanced with liquid cane suga

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