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Zachary PottleOffline

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    Zachary Pottle posted in the group Covid-19

    2 years, 5 months ago · updated 2 years, 5 months ago

    What are COVID guidelines looking where everyone’s at? I know I’ve been seeing a lot of states start to lift their mask mandates, curious to see what you all think about this!

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    • My opinion isn’t always popular. NV dropped all mask mandates or almost all. I don’t like it and I will wear my mask as a sign of respect to others and as a protective measure for myself. I have preexisting conditions that could mean getting COVID is a death sentence. I would never forgive myself if I made anyone else sick or suffer. I realize I can’t make anyone else, but it helps me decide who I go around and where I do business. Still too many variant possibilities and unknowns for me to feel confident about dropping its use.

      • Oh trust me your opinion is far more popular here than what I call FaceOffBook. I too am high risk and will wear a mask until Virginia brings back the law that states it is illegal to wear face coverings and still push the limits with it! No effers’ given to be honest. I see the funny looks and don’t give a hoot, what they don’t realize is I’m doing it to protect them as well. Hey- if I find a mask that reads “Take a picture it will last longer” I’ll let you know ha! Thank you for protecting others! Covid is the only thing that doesn’t stay in Vegas lol

      • Same, I love masks for multiple reasons!

    • I’m a bit miffed- the school just yesterday, deemed it parents choice, but teachers are mandatory in the classroom, and everyone on the busses are to have a mask on. Desite the admitted ” we remain in a “high transmission” phase” So… I guess they couldn’t resist the opportunity to confuse the little kids and irritate the older students. Comes across like being a little bit pregnant to me, either keep ’em all on or yank off the bandaid.. I’m high risk so I think they should keep ’em-no one has died from wearing a mask so…

      • And so it begins- my Little must be feeling left out by having to wear a mask at school, per Mommys orders=ME. Teacher messaged first thing this morning asking if she was supposeed to keep it on gahhh She is 7 and does very well with it-better than most whiny adults in a grocey store for 30 minutes 🙄



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