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    2 years, 6 months ago ยท updated 2 years, 6 months ago
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    • Very informative, good read too! Thank you for sharing!

      • You’re welcome! I have long Covid and like to spread awareness sometimes ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Well I hope you’re handling it okay! I’ve heard it can be quite rough!

        • Question for you. if you don’t mind. I recently had a CT scan and I have nodules, a “mass” and ground-glass opacities in my lungs which is typical of long term Covid. I have had asthma my entire life, pneumonia at least annually my entire life, spent the first 4 years of my life in a steam tent at the hospital- all that and I have never been tested for Covid, nor can I recall ever a time where I thought I have had it even though I am high risk with a horrible immune system. Were you symptomatic and do you have the opacities as well? I ask because I am thinking I am so used to not being able to breathe, that I may have had covid long term and didn’t even know it? Basically I’m a bit terrified and confused.

          • My symptoms were flu-like, but over time I deleveloped ME. Fortunately, neither condition has affected my breathing. Although I practice diaphraghmatic breathing to help with fatigue. I dunno if that helps at all. It is possible, and scary.

            • Ah- Thank you ๐Ÿ˜‰ I was just reading some of the breathing, lung strengthening techniques a few days ago, I suppose I better stop reading about them and start doing them. I just cannot believe we are all having to go through this, true, it is all so scary. I’m mystified, I have chronic pain so between the junk lungs, I suppose it is possible I had it and never noticed- thank goodness I have taken wearing a mask so seriously – I feel awful with the thought that I could have contributed to someone getting it from me, if I did have it. Still confused. gah!



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