I wonder how people deal with their pain? I have tried to make pain my companion, a friend, an external entity that is with me all the time rather than me experiencing it. More like an irritating puppy that follows me all the time. (anything that helps). Does anybody else have any tricks?
@slover-william For those that can’t sleep because of pain, what would be good recommendations? I find that sometimes when I have too much pain, instead of trying to sleep, I go for a walk, or read a book, or do gentle yoga… anything to take my mind off the pain I am feeling. Sleep can be hard if you are in pain and is not a remedy to most people.
@helio Agreed, just what I do when the headaches get to bad. Only thing I can do
@helio In that list of sleep related artilces, I found this one on pain and sleep, so a helpful resource in the Articles. https://painresource.com/lifestyle/pain-management/painsomnia-a-single-treatment-option-may-not-be-enough/
Hey there! If you’re looking for tips on how to sleep better with chronic pain, you should check out our articles over at PainResource.com. Here’s a link to some of our most popular sleep-related articles, hope this helps!
William Slover and
Helio are now friends
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Welcome to the community @helio!
I wish I could deal with people long enough to have a pain companion. It’s a great idea in theory though! Thing that works best for me is sleep.