tborges posted in the group Mental Health
How do you manage feelings of anxiety or depression on days when it feels particularly overwhelming?
KM1985 posted in the group Fibromyalgia
Hi all. I’m new to this group. Is anyone here from the Toronto (Canada) area? I’ve been looking for local support groups but Google has turned up nothing, sadly.
Zachary Pottle posted in the group Invisible illness
Does anyone know anyone or have any experience with chronic fatigue syndrome? I feel like it just has such a negative connotation from everyone I’ve mentioned it to. People will be like, “I’m always tired too,” or “we all get tired,” which I think is so wrong. Curious to hear what you all think.
@zachary-pottle @dori-smith Fellow ME sufferer here! The name CFS is such a damaging term. A great site, though no longer updated (unfortunately the woman who ran it passed away from ME quite a few years ago) – is HFME.org. Even though it was written a decade ago, there are so many helpful & educational articles and I could relate to so much of…Read More
Yes it’s on my far too lengthy list of issues, usually goes hand in hand with Fibromyalgia- mess on paper..gah! It is wrong, those who are not true spoonies likely will never get it. Between the Fibro, EDS, CFS, AG, and a small child I keep the coffee industry booming LOL That, you don’t look sick and.. try yoga grrr I used to keep The Spoon…Read More
I was diagnosed with Pots disease 2 years ago and I have a feeling I also have CFS. But I don’t know how to go about being diagnosed.
@brynsmommy38 Do you by any chance have a hypermobility syndrome of sorts? POTS and CFS typically goes along with Marfans, EDS etc.. As far as I know there is no specific testing for CFS, just the totality of other testing, diagnostic criteria, sleep studies etc. I’d simply ask my doctor flat out if it’s a possibility because of.. XYZ…Read More
Suzzee33 posted in the group Natural Remedies
I am a croninic insomniac and have been on prescribed sleeping pills for many years. I am weening off of them and am nearing the end of the withdrawals . Boy that was fun.I don’t want to depend on opioid to run my life. Is there anyone who knows of any all natural products that can help me sleep? I have tried Melatonin and Magnesium and they…Read More
All I do is smoke some really good Indica. I can’t take Melatonin as it does nothing for me. Maybe you can look into valerian root, lemon balm, or passion flower, as well.
@mec77 yeah I smoke some good indica to but some nights it just don’t work
EmilyXLC posted in the group Back & Spine
Has anyone here considered Radiofrequency Ablation for their back pain? This might be a helpful read for you if you are:
Radiofrequency Ablation for Back Pain: Here’s What You Need to Know
temeisha-quick posted in the group Healthy Living
Chronic Pain5 Foods That Help You Sleep Better
Chronic PainDietInsomnia
5 Foods That Help You Sleep Better
Try our list of foods that help you sleep better, and read about some common myths that we debunk inIt seems that certain foods, like turkey or warm milk, are associated with sleeping better, deeper and longer. The truth is, there…Read More
hardslide posted in the group Fibromyalgia
Recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. In a great deal of pain right now and nothing seems to be working. What is most effective in alleviating your pain?
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Hello @hardslide and welcome to the community. I am so sorry to hear that you are in a lot of pain– I hope these articles will be helpful: https://painresource.com/fibromyalgia/4-natural-remedies-for-fibromyalgia/ https://painresource.com/news-experts/ask-the-experts/ask-the-expert-drug-free-ways-to-fight-fibromyalgia/
MEC77 posted in the group Fibromyalgia
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia back in 2010. I have tried all kinds of prescription medications and have never found anything to really work for me. I also feel like it is different with everyone: what might work for me may not work for 20 others. That being said: I use cannabis and I exercise. Yoga has helped me a lot, as well. I am prescribed…Read More
1 Comment-
@mec77 thank you for sharing with us– it is amazing how much moving our bodies and focusing on our mindsets can help some things.
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I’ve had (been diagnosed with it) since 2009, so I get this a LOT. It’s really frustrating, because people hear “fatigue” and associate it with “tired” when in reality they’re two very different things. Just like you can be “tired” and not want to sleep, you can still be tired and not fatigued.
ETA: because I thought hitting enter would take me…Read More