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  • tiffny0411
  • Feeling hopeless today…I feel like the constant pain is taking its toll on my relationship and I just broke down at work because I’m so frustrated with the pain. I feel alone, there’s no one I know that understands…. I’ve been consistently going to Dr’s the last 2 1/2 years with no improvement, I feel like I’m running out of options

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    • We’re always here to listen and understand more than most others. We’re so used to putting on a front when we’re with others and when yoh do show anything to others it feels like failure! But far from it, it takes courage and strength to be able to work through our pain. Hang on in there though & always here to listen or help if we can kx

      • Thank you, I definitely know what you mean… I’m new here and I’m still figuring out the whole thing, seems nice, thanks again

    • stay strong and keep motivated maybe do some massages .

    • I’m so sorry Tiffany. Chronic pain can so incredibly frustrating and isolating. But we are here for you.



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