Lily Stacy posted in the group Pain Management
Has anyone tried a Tens Machine for their pain? It helped me a lot in the past, but I wasn’t sure if it was a placebo or if it really worked.…Read More
Def. for muscle pain, not nerve pain-with Fibro, it vibrates me into a flare. Not for me at all. Give it a shot if you have muscle pain, helped me at PT a bit before the Fibro took over! There was a blue and red light machine I will try to recall what it was-THAT helped me so much more than the TENS.
Found this site that explains it- for me, the blue light hurt at first but they turned it down as low as it would go, then was a good thing… They are crazy pricey but if you can get PT from a “sports medicine” office they are more likely to use and have one. They wrap it with a hot towel to release muscle tension- worked wonders at the time.…Read More
Congrats to the following users for winning the Pet Photo Contest.
@eclecticzebra 1st Place – 200 points
@Kreisler 2nd Place – 100 points
@kwiattwins 50 3rd place – 50 pointsNote: 1 photo per user can win so the results on the contest page look a bit different
Lily Stacy posted in the group Healthy Recipes
What are some of y’alls top foods to fight your pain? From the research I’ve done, these are really helpful foods: ginger, soy, turmeric, cauliflower, cherries, caffeine, and fish.
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Turmeric, curcumen, tart cherry juice, magnesium, MSM, SAM-e, Bromelain etc -I’ve tried it all over the years but think for intense pain one would need a vat of each to even touch the pain. I will tell you, out of all I think SAM-e helped me the most. The most helpful book I have ever come across, when I was on my ‘gonna solve this naturally’…Read More
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CRPSWarrior16 Changed their profile cover
There are a lot of articles out there about CRPS, you’d be surprised! CRPS may be a rare disease, but it has a lot more info than it did back then! It was originally called RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) but they changed it to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I’d love to tell my story and get this out there. I’ve tried applying for Disability,…Read More
Lily Stacy posted in the group Pain Management
Have any of you spoonies tried to help your chronic pain by changing your diet? This article talks about the best foods for arthritis pain. Let me know if its worked for you!
https://painresource.com/arthritis/best-foods-to-ease-arthritis-pain/1 Comment -
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No I haven’t but I am very interested in getting one. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I also have herniated disk, having back surgery in January. I’ve been reading up about the TENS unit and the benefits that chiropractors have had with thier patients who have fibromyalgia or back problems.